Plugin Tag: login
Duo Two-Factor Authentication
(39 total ratings)Easily add Duo Security two-factor authentication to your WordPress website. Enable two-factor authentication for your admins and/or users.
WordPress Persistent Login
(24 total ratings)Persistent Login keeps users logged into your website securely, unless they explicitly log out. Also limit the number of active logins users are allow …
OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)
(237 total ratings)WordPress SSO (Single Sign On) with Azure, Azure B2C, Cognito, Okta, Classlink, Discord, Clever, Keycloak, many OAuth & OpenID Providers [24/7 SUP …
Limit Attempts by BestWebSoft – WordPress Anti-Bot and Security Plugin for Login and Forms
(37 total ratings)Protect WordPress website against brute force attacks. Limit rate of login attempts.
Customize Admin
(5 total ratings)With this plugin you can use customize the appearance of the WordPress login page, dashboard and head section tags.
Expire User Passwords
(5 total ratings)Require certain users to change their passwords on a regular basis.
Login Security Solution
(54 total ratings)Security against brute force attacks by tracking IP, name, password; requiring very strong passwords. Idle timeout. Maintenance mode lockdown.
AJAX Login and Registration modal popup + inline form
(117 total ratings)Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features.
Simple Login Lockdown
(7 total ratings)Simple Login Lockdown prevents brute force login attacks/attempts on your WordPress installation.
Customize Login Image
(10 total ratings)This plugin allows you to customize the image and the appearance of the WordPress Login Screen.
(18 total ratings)Authorizer limits login attempts, restricts access to specific users, and authenticates against external sources (OAuth2, Google, LDAP, or CAS).
WP Approve User
(40 total ratings)Adds action links to user table to approve or unapprove user registrations.
(25 total ratings)Widget with login, logout, admin and register links. Replacement of the default Meta widget.
WP Bouncer – Limit Simultaneous Logins
(10 total ratings)Deter members from sharing login credentials: restrict simultaneous logins for the same user.
All In One Custom Login Page Styler – Change Admin Login URL – Login Customization – Google Recaptcha – Limit Login Attempts – Custom Login Redirection –
(162 total ratings)Change Admin Login URL, Customize Login Page , Google reCAPTCHA, Limit Login Attempts, Login Redirection, Login Protected Pages, Limit Login Attempts …
Remember Me Controls
(7 total ratings)Have "Remember Me" checked by default on the login page and configure how long a login is remembered. Or disable the feature altogether.
External Login
(39 total ratings)External Login allows users to log in to the WordPress site with a different database of users.
Disable User Login
(4 total ratings)Provides the ability to disable user accounts and prevent them from logging in.
Lock Down Admin
(5 total ratings)Lock Down Admin plugin secure your WordPress admin panel. It locks the wp-admin url and if this plugin is activated then user can't login in the …